It seems to me that self-doubt is this gigantic amorphous beast that while perhaps simple to define at its surface, it is, in my opinion, fairly complex. And perhaps because in my experience, it bleeds into self-worth. Not to mention all the ways one might doubt themselves. And for me at least, the things that I doubt about myself impact my sense of self-worth. A bit of a chicken or egg dilemma. Which comes first? Or are they so intertwined that they can’t be separated so if you struggle with self-doubt, you will also struggle with self-worth? And vice versa. Or are they, in fact, flip sides of the same coin?
Psychology Today defines self-doubt as: a state of uncertainty about the truth of anything about ourselves.
According to the American Psychological Society, self-worth is: your evaluation of yourself as a capable and valuable human being deserving of consideration and respect.
Let me know what you think. Do you struggle with self-doubt? Do you think your self-doubt affects your sense of self-worth? Or do you, perhaps, have a strong belief in your self-worth but still struggle with doubt? Or vice versa. Or are you like me and struggle with both?
#selfdoubt #mentalhealth #selfworth